Platen uses special notation for rendering styled text with an image link.
When used, it inserts an <span>
(span) HTML element.
Syntax #
Basic Block Syntax #

Reference Link Block Syntax #
[<ReferenceID>]: source ['class']
Examples #
1. Minimal Example #
![styled:Flagrant Garden]()
<span >Flagrant Garden</span>
2. With Classes #

<span class="example foo">Flagrant Garden</span>
3. With Defined Style #

<span class="baz"
style="background: violet; border: 2px solid #e66465; color: black;">Flagrant Garden</span>
4. With Preset #
An <span class="baz foo bar"
style="background: violet; border: 2px solid #e66465; color: black;">Example</span>
Inputs #
This section describes how the normal markdown input for images works with the styled text render hook.
Images use this syntax for their inputs:

(as text
Specifies the Markdown text to render as the span’s text.
This value must start with the prefix styled:
. For example, with ![styled:Platen]()
, text
’s value would be
This value is rendered as inline Markdown.
RendersMarkdown: true
Required: true
Type: String
(as style
Specify the name of the style to use, if any. If the style is defined in a subfolder, specify the dot-path
relative to data/platen/styled_text/styles
. For example, the style defined in
would be specified as flagrant_garden.basic
. To specify the
default style, set this value to .
or _default
. This value must be passed to specify the class
option as the
markup’s title
If you prefix this value with preset:
, it uses the value as the preset for the markup instead of the style. For more
information, see Presets.
Specify the text without wrapping quotes, like this
Required: true
Type: String
(as class
Specify one or more classes to add to the span element. To specify this value, you must specify a value for
. To add classes to the default style, specify source
as .
or _default
. For example, the markup

adds the classes foo
and bar
to the default style.
Specify the text without wrapping quotes, like this
Required: false
Type: String
Presets #
You can define any number of preset styled texts reusably in your site’s data. Any YAML files you add in the
folder are available for use. You can use folders to group presets together.
The available properties you can specify for a preset are listed below and match the available inputs. When used together with inputs, any value specified as an input overrides the value specified in the preset’s definition.
Here we define a preset for a reusable span in
text: Example
- foo
- bar
- baz
Then, in our markdown, we use the styled text markup and reference the preset:

Which is processed to the equivalent YAML internally:
class: []
preset: example
text: Override
Now that we have both the values from the preset and Markdown, Platen combines them into:
- foo
- bar
style: baz
text: Override
Because both the preset and the markdown specify a value for text
, the value
from Markdown is used. If it had been written as 
instead, the value from example.yaml
would’ve been used.
Only the preset defines a value for the span’s style, so that value is used.
The preset also defines classes that the Markdown doesn’t override, so those are used.
When you use a preset and inputs together, the values specified as an input
always override any values from the preset. If you specify a class as an
input, only classes from the input are used, not the value of the classes
property in the preset.
If you want to use extensible values, you probably want to define a style or add another preset instead.
Specify one or more classes to add to the span’s element. By default, it has no classes.
You can specify this value either as a string (if you only need to add one class) or as a list of strings.
class: sepia
- big
- shadowed
Specify any number of styles to use for this preset. The styles are applied in the order they’re specified, with later styles overriding values from earlier ones.
You can specify a single style as a string or any number of styles as a list.
If the style is defined in a subfolder, specify the dot-path relative to data/platen/styled_text/styles
. For example,
the style defined in data/platen/styled_text/styles/flagrant_garden/basic
would be specified as
style: classic
In this example, because flagrant
is specified last, any of its values that
conflict with those from classic
are used. Any values that are only defined
in classic
or flagrant
are also used.
- classic
- flagrant
Specifies the Markdown text to render as the styled text. Unlike when defining this value as input,
do not prefix this value with styled:
. This value can also span multiple lines, unlike when you define it as input.
text: Flagrant Garden
In this example, the text is an arbitrarily long block of text. By declaring
the key as text: >-
, you’re telling Platen to treat the value as one very
long line of text, replacing line breaks with spaces and trimming any extra
In this usage, the value must start on the next line and indented 2 spaces. The rest of the lines of text must start at the same indent level.
text: >-
This line of Markdown is very long. It might not be aesthetically pleasing to
have a span with this much text.
Notice that even though this looks like two paragraphs in the preset, it is
treated as one very long line because of the `>-` syntax used.
Here it is: This line of Markdown is very long. It might not be aesthetically pleasing to have a subscript with this much text.
Notice that even though this looks like two paragraphs in the preset, it is treated as one very long line because of the >-
syntax used.
In this example, the text is an arbitrarily long block of text representing two
paragraphs. By declaring the key as text: |-
, you’re telling Platen to treat
the value as a block of text, where the line breaks are kept but other trailing
whitespace is removed.
In this usage, the value must start on the next line and indented 2 spaces. The rest of the lines of text must start at the same indent level.
text: |-
This line of Markdown is very long. It might not be aesthetically pleasing to
have a span with this much text.
Notice that this does produce two paragraphs of text for the span because
Platen keeps the line breaks. The blank line between these paragraphs ensures
they're actually rendered as paragraphs.
This line of Markdown is very long. It might not be aesthetically pleasing to have a subscript with this much text.
Notice that this does produce two paragraphs of text for the subscript because Platen keeps the line breaks. The blank line between these paragraphs ensures they’re actually rendered as paragraphs.
Styles #
You can use the defined styles feature to save different styles for your styled text as data. Any YAML files you add in
the data/platen/styled_text/styles
folder are available for use. You can use folders to group styles together.
Style settings are applied to the span (<span>
) element the markup adds.
Default Style #
All styled texts inherit the empty default style, defined in data/platen/styled_text/styles/_default.yaml
. You can
override the default values by adding this file to your own site.
When you add the _default.yaml
file to your site data, you completely replace
the default that Platen provides for all styled text. Make sure to do so carefully.
Most of the time, you’ll just want to define new styles instead.
Specify one or more classes to add to the span’s element. By default, it has no classes. For styles other than the default, these values are added to the default list of classes.
You can specify this value either as a string (if you only need to add one class) or as a list of strings.
classes: sepia
- big
- shadowed
This property defines the values for the HTML attributes of the span element added by the styled text markup. By default, none of them are defined.
You can add any of the global HTML attributes to the element. If your value needs to be split across
multiple lines for readability, make sure to use the >-
syntax after the key. This ensures that the value is treated
as a single line with no trailing newline, which would break the attribute in the HTML.
For example:
This style (defined in data/platen/styled_text/styles/baz.yaml
) defines the
attribute for the spans that use it. Note that it uses
the >-
syntax after the key.
- baz
style: >-
background: violet;
border: 2px solid #e66465;
color: black;
This is a styled .
This is a styled span.