
The details codeblock markup makes it possible for you to add an accessible and semantically accurate form of collapsible content to a page.

When used, it inserts an <sl-details> element from shoelace to the page with a summary that’s visible even when the block is collapsed and the rendered markdown in a collapsible block. Readers can toggle the visibility of the block, showing and collapsing the content.

Syntax #

With Attributes #

```details { [.class [.class]] [#id] [summary="summary"] }
Markdown Content.

With Data #

class: class
custom: false
disabled: false
heading_level: 1
icon_collapse: icon_collapse
icon_expand: icon_expand
id: id
legacy: false
linkable: true
open: true
summary: summary

Markdown Content.

Examples #

1. Minimal Example #

This text is rendered in an sl-details element with a div element containing the summary text. The body text is formatted as Markdown.

Because the summary is specified, it’s used as the display text. Note that you can link directly to this element. The ID is automatically generated from the summary.

Markdown Input
```details { summary="Minimal Details" }
This is some _Markdown_.

You can use any valid Markdown, including:

- unordered
- lists

1. ordered
1. lists

> blockquotes
HTML Output
<sl-details class="platen-details" open>
  <div slot="summary"  id="minimal-details">
    Minimal Details

  <div class="markdown-inner">
    <p>This is some <em>Markdown</em>.</p>
    <p>You can use any valid Markdown, including:</p>
Rendered Output
Minimal Details

This is some Markdown.

You can use any valid Markdown, including:

  • unordered
  • lists
  1. ordered
  2. lists


2. Attributes Example #

This example adds the info class to the details element and sets a specific summary.

Normally, you could use the link fragment #short-example to link to this block; however, because this example sets the ID to dex-2, you use that fragment instead.

Markdown Input
```details { .info #dex-2 summary="Short Example" }
Another _Markdown_ example.
HTML Output
<sl-details class="platen-details info" open>
  <div slot="summary"  id="dex-2">
    Short Example

  <div class="markdown-inner">
    <p>Another <em>Markdown</em> example.</p>
Rendered Output
Short Example

Another Markdown example.

3. YAML Options Example #

This example ensures the block is loaded in its collapsed state instead of open and sets the heading_level option to 4. That ensures Platen writes the summary inside an <h4> element, meaning the details block can show up in the table of contents.

The example also sets the open option to false, so the details element is loaded in the collapsed state.

The example sets both the icon_collapse and icon_expand options. When these are both set, the details are rendered with the specified icons to show that the block can be collapsed or expanded.

The icon_collapse option shows the shorthand definition for an icon in Platen. The icon_expand option shows the extended definition for an icon. For more information, see the documentation for these options.

Note that this example also uses more backticks (`) for the codeblock. That lets you include nested codeblocks inside the details. Here it’s used to add a mermaid diagram.

Markdown Input
summary:       Heading Summary with Nested Codeblock
heading_level: 4
open:          false
icon_collapse: minus-square@lucide
  name: plus-square
  library: lucide

Check out this neat diagram:

  title Monsters the Author has Cuddled by Kind
  "Eldritch" : 66
  "Ravenous" : 114
  "Draconic" : 36
HTML Output
<sl-details class="platen-details no-rotate-icon">
  <sl-icon library="lucide" name="plus-square" slot="expand-icon"></sl-icon>
  <sl-icon library="lucide" name="minus-square" slot="collapse-icon"></sl-icon>
  <div slot="summary">
    <h4 id="heading-summary-with-nested-codeblock">
      Heading Summary with Nested Codeblock
      <a class="anchor" href="#heading-summary-with-nested-codeblock">#</a>

  <div class="markdown-inner">
    <p>Check out this neat diagram:</p>
    <pre class="mermaid">
  title Monsters the Author has Cuddled by Kind
  "Eldritch" : 66
  "Ravenous" : 114
  "Draconic" : 36
Rendered Output

Heading Summary with Nested Codeblock #

Check out this neat diagram:

  title Monsters the Author has Cuddled by Kind
  "Eldritch" : 66
  "Ravenous" : 114
  "Draconic" : 36

4. Legacy Example #

This example uses the legacy template for rendering the details.

With legacy set to true in the attributes or YAML options, Platen renders the Markdown in the older native details element instead of in an sl-details element.

This option is included to allow folks to intentionally transition from the legacy implementation to shoelace, which will become the default in the future. Eventually, the legacy implementation will be removed.

For more information, see Legacy Template.

Markdown Input
```details { summary="Legacy Details" legacy=true }
Another _Markdown_ example.
HTML Output
<details class="platen-details" open>
  <summary id="legacy-details">
    Legacy Details
  <div class="markdown-inner">
    <p>Another <em>Markdown</em> example.</p>
Rendered Output
Legacy Details

Another Markdown example.

Attributes #

class #

Specify a string for the class attribute of the details element. By default, it has no class and the div element containing the content has the markdown-inner class.

Specify the text wrapped in quotes, like "this".

Required: false
Type: String

id #

Specify an ID to use for the summary. If this value isn’t specified, the summary’s ID is set to the lowercased and urlized form of the summary’s input text. For example, the summary value Really Important Info would become the ID really-important-info.

This value is ignored if linkable is set to false.

Specify the ID as a bare string without any spaces and with a # prefix, like #my-id

Required: false
Type: String

summary #

Specify the text you want to use as the summary for the details. The default is Details. The rendered Markdown for this value is displayed in the header, visible even when the details are collapsed.

This value is rendered as inline Markdown.

RendersMarkdown: true
Required: false
Type: String

YAML Options #

class #

Specify a string for the class attribute of the details element. By default, it has no class and the div element containing the content has the markdown-inner class.

Specify the text wrapped in quotes, like "this".

Required: false
Type: String

custom #

Specify whether this details block should use a custom template instead of the default or legacy template. Set this option to true to use the custom template stubbed in platen/markup/details/templates/custom. If this value is false, Platen uses the default or (if legacy is true) legacy template.

If this value is a string, Platen uses the value as the name of the partial template in platen/markup/details/templates for rendering the details block.

For more information, see Custom Templates

Specify true or false without wrapping quotes.

Required: false
Type: Boolean

disabled #

Specify whether the toggle for the details should be disabled. Set this value to true to disable it. The default value is false, ensuring the element can be collapsed and expanded.

This option isn’t valid with the legacy details.

Specify true or false without wrapping quotes.

Required: false
Type: Boolean

heading_level #

Specify a number for the level of heading element (<h1>-<h6>) that the summary text should be rendered inside. By default, the summary text isn’t rendered inside a heading element.

When this value is set to a positive number, the rendered text is wrapped in a heading element inside the <summary> element. When this value is set to 0 or a negative number, the rendered text is not wrapped. When this value is greater than 6, it’s treated as 6.

Specify a whole number like 1 or 5 without wrapping quotes.

Required: false
Type: Integer

icon_collapse #

Specify an icon to use to when the details element is expanded, indicating that the element can be collapsed. By default, Platen uses a rotating caret instead of an icon. If you specify a value for this option, you must also specify a value for icon_expand.

You can specify the icon either as a string using the shorthand syntax or as a map of options for the icon.

You can also define the default icons for your details elements with the platen.markup.details.icons settings for your site configuration. Values from your site configuration are overridden by this option in your markup. For more information, see Configuration.

This option isn’t valid with the legacy details.

Specify the text wrapped in quotes, like "this".

Required: false
Type: String

Shorthand Syntax #

The shorthand syntax for icons in Platen is <name>[&<variant>][@<library>], where:

  • <name> is mandatory and represents the name of the icon.
  • &<variant> is optional and represents the variant of the icon. Not all icons and libraries support variants. When you specify a variant in this syntax, you must specify it after the icon’s name. You must separate the variant from the icon name with an ampersand (&). When you don’t specify a variant, Platen uses the library’s default variant.
  • &<library> is optional and represents the library the icon belongs to. When you specify a library in this syntax, you must specify it after the icon’s name and variant. You must separate the library from the icon name or variant with an at sign (@). When you don’t specify a library, Platen uses the configured default library.

You can find the list of available icons in the default library in Shoelace’s documentation

Options Syntax #

The options syntax for icons is:

name:    icon_name    # Mandatory
library: icon_library # Optional
variant: icon_variant # Optional

You can also pass any valid global HTML attribute in the options map for the icon, like class or style. Those attributes are passed through to the icon element.

icon_expand #

Specify an icon to use to when the details element is closed, indicating that the element can be expanded. By default, Platen uses a rotating caret instead of an icon. If you specify a value for this option, you must also specify a value for icon_collapse.

You can specify the icon either as a string using the shorthand syntax or as a map of options for the icon.

You can also define the default icons for your details elements with the platen.markup.details.icons settings for your site configuration. Values from your site configuration are overridden by this option in your markup. For more information, see Configuration.

This option isn’t valid with the legacy details.

Specify the text wrapped in quotes, like "this".

Required: false
Type: String

Shorthand Syntax #

The shorthand syntax for icons in Platen is <name>[&<variant>][@<library>], where:

  • <name> is mandatory and represents the name of the icon.
  • &<variant> is optional and represents the variant of the icon. Not all icons and libraries support variants. When you specify a variant in this syntax, you must specify it after the icon’s name. You must separate the variant from the icon name with an ampersand (&). When you don’t specify a variant, Platen uses the library’s default variant.
  • &<library> is optional and represents the library the icon belongs to. When you specify a library in this syntax, you must specify it after the icon’s name and variant. You must separate the library from the icon name or variant with an at sign (@). When you don’t specify a library, Platen uses the configured default library.

You can find the list of available icons in the default library in Shoelace’s documentation

Options Syntax #

The options syntax for icons is:

name:    icon_name    # Mandatory
library: icon_library # Optional
variant: icon_variant # Optional

You can also pass any valid global HTML attribute in the options map for the icon, like class or style. Those attributes are passed through to the icon element.

id #

Specify an ID to use for the summary. If this value isn’t specified, the summary’s ID is set to the lowercased and urlized form of the summary’s input text. For example, the summary value Really Important Info would become the ID really-important-info.

This value is ignored if linkable is set to false.

Specify the text wrapped in quotes, like "this".

Required: false
Type: String

legacy #

Specify true to use the legacy template for the details element, or false to use the <sl-details> element from Shoelace. If this value isn’t set, Platen uses the value of the platen.markup.details.use_legacy setting defined in your site configuration. For more information, see Configuration.

When this setting is true, the icon_collapse, icon_expand, and disabled options aren’t valid. If you use them when legacy is true, Platen warns you about the incompatibility and ignores the invalid options.

Specify true or false without wrapping quotes.

Required: false
Type: Boolean

linkable #

Specify whether the summary should have the ID added to it, making it possible to link directly to the block. Set this option to false to skip adding the ID to the summary.

If this value isn’t set, Platen uses the value of the platen.markup.details.linkable setting defined in your site configuration. For more information, see Configuration.

Specify true or false without wrapping quotes.

Required: false
Type: Boolean

open #

Specify whether the rendered details should be open when the page loads. Set this option to false to have the details collapsed when the page loads.

If this value isn’t set, Platen uses the value of the setting defined in your site configuration. For more information, see Configuration.

Specify true or false without wrapping quotes.

Required: false
Type: Boolean

summary #

Specify the text you want to use as the summary for the details. The default is Details. The rendered Markdown for this value is displayed in the header, visible even when the details are collapsed.

This value is rendered as inline Markdown.

RendersMarkdown: true
Required: false
Type: String

Definition #

Specify the text you want to include in the body of the details element. You can include any valid Markdown, including other codeblocks. To use nested codeblocks, you must have more backticks (`) in the fence for the details codeblock than any of the nested codeblocks.

Custom Templates #

If you want to use your own custom rendering for a details block without having to handle the markup parsing, attributes, and options yourself, you can use the custom option or configuration setting to use your own template for rendering the details block.

Platen provides a stubbed custom template by default that includes the available parameters you can use for rendering. The stubbed template raises an error and returns an empty string.

Stubbed Custom Template #

    This custom template is a stub. It's here for your convenience only. If
    you want to define your own template, copy this one to start from. The
    inputs for your template are limited to the ones defined here, but your
    template can do whatever you need it to.
{{- $Context      := .                     -}}
{{- $Page         := $Context.Page         -}}
{{- $Position     := $Context.Position     -}}
{{- $Attributes   := $Context.Attributes   -}}
{{- $Config       := $Context.Config       -}}
{{- $Data         := $Context.Data         -}}
{{- $Classes      := $Context.Classes      -}}
{{- $Summary      := $Context.Summary      -}}
{{- $HeadingLevel := $Context.HeadingLevel -}}

    The default custom template raises an error because it's not
    actually implemented. This stub is for your convenience.
{{- errorf "Used custom details template at %s, but no template defined." $Position -}}

    You don't need to do a return statement, you can just use
    a custom HTML template if you want. This return is included
    so Platen doesn't break if the custom template isn't defined.
{{- return "" -}}

Custom Template Variables #

Each of the variables contains useful values when defining your own template.

The Hugo Page object for the content page the markup was used on.
The Position information for where the details codeblock was used. This is especially useful for writing error and warning messages, as it includes the name of the Markdown file and the line number and column where the markup was used.
The Attributes parsed from the codeblock by Hugo.
The merged values for platen.markup.details from the site configuration and Platen’s handler for defining the configuration in the data/_params folder for your site.
The options passed from the YAML options block in the markup.
The pre-munged list of classes for the block, merging the default classes and the extra classes from the markup or configuration.
The pre-rendered string from the summary attribute or option. You can still retrieve the raw summary from the $Attributes or $Data variable, depending on how the author specified it in the markup.
The pre-munged value for the heading_level option. If an invalid value was passed, it’s already munged to 0 (if too low) or 6 (if too high).

Defining a Custom Template #

You can copy the stubbed implementation into the layouts/partials/platen/markup/details/templates folder in your own site. Then you can edit the template to render the details like any other template in Hugo.

You don’t need to use a return statement. You can just emit the HTML as normal and Platen will handle the rest.

Legacy Template #

The legacy template uses standard HTML elements instead of the more customizable shoelace element. It doesn’t support as many options and will eventually be removed.

We strongly suggest you update your themes to use the new template.

When used, it inserts a <details> element with a <summary> element containing text visible even when the block is collapsed and a <div> element containing all of the rendered Markdown. Readers can toggle the visibility of the block, showing and collapsing the content.

Currently, Platen uses the legacy template by default and warns on its use. You can override these behaviors in the configuration. To use the new template by default, set platen.markup.details.use_legacy to false. To continue using the legacy details element without warnings, set platen.markup.details.warn_on_legacy to false.

Configuration #

Several of the options for this markup can be configured in your site configuration or Platen’s parameter data. The most convenient option is to edit the data/_params/platen/markup.yaml file. Except for the warn_on_legacy setting, which is site-wide, every configuration setting can by overridden by the attributes or options in your markup.

The default values for this markup’s rendering options are defined below:

  custom: false
  classes: []
  # icons:
  #   collapse: null
  #   expand: null
  linkable: true
  open: true
  use_legacy: true
  warn_on_legacy: true
If you set custom to true, Platen uses a custom template for rendering the details. By default, it uses the platen/markup/details/templates/custom.html template. If you set this value to a string, Platen uses a layout template by that name in the platen/markup/details folder. For more information, see Custom Templates.
If you set classes to a list of strings, Platen adds them to the rendered details. If you specify any classes for a details markup as an attribute or option, those are used instead.
If you want to use custom expand and collapse icons across your site, you can set icons.expand and icons.collapse. To use the standard rotating caret for a specific markup, set icon_collapse or icon_expand to an empty string.
If you want to prevent your rendered details from getting an ID by default, set this value to false.
If you want your rendered details to load in their collapsed state by default, set this value to false.
If you want your details rendered with the new default template to use the full set of options, set this value to false. It defaults to true now, but will default to false in the future. Eventually, the legacy template will be removed entirely.
If you want to silence the warnings Platen emits when you use the legacy template, set this value to false.

You can find the full set of options for this markup in the configuration reference.

Styling #

This markup uses the SCSS defined in the styles/markup/_details.scss file in your assets folder, which defaults to assets in your project root.

This section discusses styling the non-legacy template. Instead of applying custom styles to the legacy template, we strongly recommend you migrate to the non-legacy template. In the near future, it will become the default. Eventually, the legacy template will be removed entirely.

Details SCSS #

.markdown sl-details.platen-details {
  // When custom icons are used, don't rotate.
  &.no-rotate-icon::part(summary-icon) {
    rotate: none;

  // Ensure the summary element doesn't have vertical margins to keep the
  // height standard.
  [slot="summary"] > * {
    margin-top: 0;
    margin-bottom: 0;

The SCSS for details only applies to <sl-details> elements in a container that has the markdown class and only when the element itself has the platen-details class. This keeps the style from being unintentionally applied else.

The style:

  • Ensures that the built-in rotation for the collapse/expand icons is disabled when using icons instead of the default caret. This keeps the icons from doing a distracting rotation while they change when a user collapses or expands the details.
  • Removes the vertical margins from the first element in the summary so that when you use the heading_level option the height of the summary isn’t unnecessarily tall.

Extending the Style #

You can extend this style by adding SCSS into the styles/_custom.scss file in your assets folder or by copying the provided style into styles/markup/_details.scss and editing it.

When you do, make sure your styles use this selector as the base. All of your styles should be contained in this selector or one of its children.

.markdown sl-details.platen-details {
  // Your styles here

The rest of this section is a list of selectors you might find useful when styling the rendered details.

This selector targets the div that contains the elements displayed in the summary panel for the rendered details.
This selector targets the <sl-icon> that adds the collapse icon when not using the default rotating caret.
This selector targets the <sl-icon> that adds the expand icon when not using the default rotating caret.
This selector targets the base container for the rendered details.
This selector targets the container that wraps both the summary and the expand/collapse icon.
This selector targets the container that wraps the summary.
This selector targets the container that wraps the expand/collapse icons.
This selector targets the container that wraps the actual content.

Overriding the Style #

You can completely override the provided style by defining the styles/markup/_details.scss file in your assets folder.

You can also create a new style module in the styles/markup folder and set in your site configuration to that module’s name. If you do, omit the leading _ and trailing .scss. For example, the name for the style module assets/styles/markup/_foo.scss is foo.

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