
The columns codeblock markup makes it possible for you to convert Markdown content into columns with a flexible ratio.

When used, it creates a <div> HTML container with each column of content is inserted in their own div. The Markdown content in each column is rendered as normal.

Syntax #

The columns codeblock supports setting options as either attributes or as YAML in a data block at the start of the codeblock. If you’re using the attribute syntax, the options must be specified on the same line that the codeblock opens on. If you’re using the data syntax, the options must be specified as valid YAML wrapped with three dashes (---) before the rest of the definition.

For more information, see Using Codeblocks in the User Guide.

With Attributes #

``````columns { #id [.class [.class]] }
```column { [.class [.class]] [#id] [grow=int] }
Markdown to _render_ for the column

With Data #

# Required
id: id
# Optional
class: class

class: class
grow: 1
id: id

Markdown to _render_ for the column

Examples #

1. Minimal Example #

Markdown Input
``````columns { #example-1 }
This is the first of two evenly spaced columns.

This is the second column's text.
HTML Output
<div id="example-1"
     class="platen-columns flex flex-wrap">
  <div class="flex-even markdown-inner"
         style="flex-grow: 1;">
      <p>This is the first of two evenly spaced columns.</p>
    </div><div class="flex-even markdown-inner"
         style="flex-grow: 1;">
      <p>This is the second column&rsquo;s text.</p>
Rendered Output

This is the first of two evenly spaced columns.

This is the second column’s text.

2. Full Example #

Markdown Input
``````columns { #example-1 .example }
```column { .lead grow=2 }
This is the first column. It's twice as wide as the second column
and has the `lead` class.

The `columns` codeblock adds the
`example` class to the containing `div`.

This is the second column. Because it doesn't specify a value for
the `grow` option, it defaults to 1.

This makes it half as wide as the other columns.

It has no extra class.

class: follow
grow:  2
This is the third column. It's the same size as the first and has
the `follow` class.

It uses the data syntax instead of attributes.
HTML Output
<div id="example-1"
     class="platen-columns flex flex-wrap example">
  <div class="flex-even markdown-inner lead"
         style="flex-grow: 2;">
      <p>This is the first column. It&rsquo;s twice as wide as the second column
      and has the <code>lead</code> class.</p>
      <p>The <code>columns</code> codeblock adds the
      <code>example</code> class to the containing <code>div</code>.</p>
    </div><div class="flex-even markdown-inner"
         style="flex-grow: 1;">
      <p>This is the second column. Because it doesn&rsquo;t specify a value for
      the <code>grow</code> option, it defaults to 1.</p>
      <p>This makes it half as wide as the other columns.</p>
      <p>It has no extra class.</p>
    </div><div class="flex-even markdown-inner follow"
         style="flex-grow: 2;">
      <p>This is the third column. It&rsquo;s the same size as the first and has
      the <code>follow</code> class.</p>
      <p>It uses the data syntax instead of attributes.</p>
Rendered Output

This is the first column. It’s twice as wide as the second column and has the lead class.

The columns codeblock adds the example class to the containing div.

This is the second column. Because it doesn’t specify a value for the grow option, it defaults to 1.

This makes it half as wide as the other columns.

It has no extra class.

Attributes #

class #

Specify any additional classes to add to the div containing the columns.

Specify the text wrapped in quotes, like "this".

Required: false
Type: String

id #

Specify a page-unique ID for the set of columns. This is used to associate the columns together.

Specify the ID as a bare string without any spaces and with a # prefix, like #my-id

Required: true
Type: String

YAML Options #

class #

Specify any additional classes to add to the div containing the columns.

Specify the text wrapped in quotes, like "this".

Required: false
Type: String

id #

Specify a page-unique ID for the set of columns. This is used to associate the columns together.

Specify the text wrapped in quotes, like "this".

Required: true
Type: String

Definition #

Inside a columns codeblock you must use one or more column codeblocks. These determine how the columns themselves are rendered, while the attributes for the containing columns codeblock control the behavior of the column group overall.

column Codeblocks #

Each column codeblock you use inside a columns codeblock adds another column. You can control the size and styling for each column independently.

Syntax #

With Attributes #
```column { [.class [.class]] [#id] [grow=int] }
Markdown to _render_ for the column
With Data #
class: class
grow: 1
id: id

Markdown to _render_ for the column

Attributes #

class #

Specify any additional classes to insert into the class list for this column’s div.

By default, the div has the flex-even and markdown-inner classes. For more information about how classes affect the styling of content in this shortcode, see Styling.

Specify the text wrapped in quotes, like "this".

Required: false
Type: String
grow #

Specify the column’s maximum width in the group. Each column is given an inline style specifying a value for the flex-grow attribute, which controls how the columns are displayed in the group.

If this value isn’t specified for any column, all columns are added with equal width. If this value is specified for any column, all columns without a width are treated as having a width of 1.

Specify a whole number like 1 or 5 without wrapping quotes.

Required: false
Type: Integer
id #

Specify an optional ID to give this column’s div. By default, individual columns do not have an ID. If you set this value, the column is given its own ID, enabling anyone to link directly to it.

Specify the ID as a bare string without any spaces and with a # prefix, like #my-id

Required: false
Type: String
Definition #

Inside the column codeblock you can write any valid Markdown you want. It’s rendered as a block without wrapping <p> tags.

Styling #

The container div for the columns is automatically assigned the platen-columns, flex, and flex-wrap classes. Each column’s content is placed inside a child div with the flex-even and markdown-inner classes.

The child div elements also have the inline style flex-grow:<grow> added, where <grow> is the value specified for that column in their grow parameter.

By default, when the site is rendered in mobile view, the columns are collapsed on top of each other. This turns them into rows of content in the same order they were defined in the shortcode. You can override this behavior, having the columns always display as columns even on small screens, by adding no-flatten-for-mobile to the value of the class parameter of the columns shortcode.

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