
Platen uses special notation for inserting artwork into your site with an image link.

When used, it inserts an figure HTML element with the inner text of the shortcode (if any) as the caption.

Syntax #

Basic Block Syntax #

![art:alt_text](source ['caption'])
  [.class [.class]]
  [caption         = "caption"]
  [content_warning = "content_warning"]
  [style           = "style"]
  [work            = "work"]
  [.class [.class]]
  [caption         = "caption"]
  [content_warning = "content_warning"]
  [style           = "style"]
  [work            = "work"]

[<ReferenceID>]: source ['caption']

Examples #

1. Minimal Example #

Markdown Input
![art:Platen Logo](/images/logo.svg)
HTML Output
<figure class="platen-art">
  <img alt="Platen Logo" src="/images/logo.svg">
Rendered Output
Platen Logo

2. With Caption #

Markdown Input
![art:Platen Logo](/images/logo.svg "Example Caption")
HTML Output
<figure class="platen-art">
  <img alt="Platen Logo" src="/images/logo.svg">
Rendered Output
Platen Logo

3. With Classes #

Markdown Input
![art:Platen Logo](/images/logo.svg)
{ .half .float-left }

In this example, the art takes up half the available width and floats to
the left of this content.

This combination lets you include art alongside your content without breaking
the flow.
HTML Output
<figure class="platen-art half float-left">
  <img alt="Platen Logo" src="/images/logo.svg">
</figure><p>In this example, the art takes up half the available width and floats to
the left of this content.</p>
<p>This combination lets you include art alongside your content without breaking
the flow.</p>
Rendered Output
Platen Logo

In this example, the art takes up half the available width and floats to the left of this content.

This combination lets you include art alongside your content without breaking the flow.

4. With ID #

Markdown Input
![art:Platen Logo](/images/logo.svg)
{ #id-example }
HTML Output
<figure id="id-example" class="platen-art">
  <img alt="Platen Logo" src="/images/logo.svg">
Rendered Output
Platen Logo

5. With Content Warning #

Markdown Input
![art:Platen Logo](/images/logo.svg "The caption gets blurred too.")
{ content_warning = "bright colors" }
HTML Output
<figure class="platen-art platen-content-warning">
  <input type="checkbox"
  <label for="content-warning-bright-colors">
    bright colors
  <img alt="Platen Logo" src="/images/logo.svg">
Rendered Output
Platen Logo

7. Preset Style #

Markdown Input
![art:Platen Logo](/images/logo.svg)
{ style="left_half" }

In this example, the art takes up half the available width, floats to the left
of this content, and has a sepia filter applied from the `left_half` style.

You can use styles to define presets for your artwork looks.
HTML Output
<figure class="platen-art half float-left">
  <img alt="Platen Logo" src="/images/logo.svg" class="example-sepia">
</figure><p>In this example, the art takes up half the available width, floats to the left
of this content, and has a sepia filter applied from the <code>left_half</code> style.</p>
<p>You can use styles to define presets for your artwork looks.</p>
Rendered Output
Platen Logo

In this example, the art takes up half the available width, floats to the left of this content, and has a sepia filter applied from the left_half style.

You can use styles to define presets for your artwork looks.

8. From defined work #

Markdown Input
You can define presets for entire artworks if you want to reuse the same image
several times. Then you can reference the work in the source or as an attribute.


You can even override the values from the predefined work - anything you specify
in your Markdown overrides the predefined values.

![art:The Platen Logo, inline]()
  caption="An example of overriding a work."

When you use a lot of different artworks or the same artwork in different
places, combining the `work` and `style` attributes gives you a lot of control
over how the artwork looks in a reusable way.
HTML Output
<p>You can define presets for entire artworks if you want to reuse the same image
several times. Then you can reference the work in the source or as an attribute.</p>
<figure id="from-work" class="platen-art">
  <img alt="The Platen Logo" src="/images/logo.svg">
</figure><p>You can even override the values from the predefined work - anything you specify
in your Markdown overrides the predefined values.</p>
<figure id="work-override" class="platen-art half float-left">
  <img alt="The Platen Logo, inline"
  <figcaption >
    <p>An example of overriding a work.</p>
</figure><p>When you use a lot of different artworks or the same artwork in different
places, combining the <code>work</code> and <code>style</code> attributes gives you a lot of control
over how the artwork looks in a reusable way.</p>
Rendered Output

You can define presets for entire artworks if you want to reuse the same image several times. Then you can reference the work in the source or as an attribute.

The Platen Logo

You can even override the values from the predefined work - anything you specify in your Markdown overrides the predefined values.

The Platen Logo, inline

An example of overriding a work.

When you use a lot of different artworks or the same artwork in different places, combining the work and style attributes gives you a lot of control over how the artwork looks in a reusable way.

Inputs #

This section describes how the normal markdown input for images works with the art render hook.

Images use this syntax for their inputs:

![altText](source 'title')

alt_text #

Specify that alt text for the artwork. The alt text is used to contextualize the art for readers using assistive technologies like screen readers.

This value must start with the prefix art:. The text after the prefix is used for the alt text. For example, with ![art:Platen Logo](/images/logo.svg), the alt text would be Platen Logo.

Don’t use any markup for this value. The text is added to an HTML attribute, not rendered from Markdown.

Specify the text without wrapping quotes, like this.

Required: true
Type: String

source #

Specify the source for the artwork. This value should be a URL or URL fragment pointing to where the Hugo can find the image. If you prefix this value with a leading forward slash (/), like /images/bear.png, Platen looks for the image in your static folder.

If you specify this value with a leading http:// or https://, Platen retrieves the image at build time and bundles it into your site. This enables you to use images stored elsewhere and have them available on your site as if they were local.

If you specify this value without a leading forward slash, http://, or https://, Platen looks for the image first in the assets bundle for your page, then the assets folder, and finally your content folder.

If Platen can’t find your image from the specified source, it raises an error.

Specify the text without wrapping quotes, like this.

Required: true
Type: String

title (as caption) #

If you specify a title in your Markdown syntax for an art image link, Platen uses the title as the figure caption.

Specify the text wrapped in quotes, like "this".

Required: false
Type: String

Attributes #

class #

Specify any additional classes to add to the figure containing the artwork. By default, the figure has the platen-art class. If you specify a value for content_warning, the figure also has the platen-content-warning class.

You can use these additional classes to further style your artwork on a page. In addition to any classes you define yourself, the following classes are available:

  • half - The figure’s width is limited to 50% of its container instead of 100%.
  • third - The figure’s width is limited to 33% of its container instead of 100%.
  • quarter - The figure’s width is limited to 25% of its container instead of 100%.

For more information about styling your artwork, see Styling.

Specify the text wrapped in quotes, like "this".

Required: false
Type: String

id #

If you specify a value for this attribute, it’s used as the id of the figure, making it easier to link to the figure directly.

For instance, an example on this page used the id attribute to set its ID to id-example, which this link points to. Clicking that link will take you directly to the example image.

Specify the ID as a bare string without any spaces and with a # prefix, like #my-id

Required: false
Type: String

content_warning #

Specify a content warning for this artwork, if needed. If you specify any value for this attribute, Platen loads the image blurred out with this value over it as a content warning.

Readers can click on the image or use their keyboard to select and activate the image to toggle the artwork’s visibility if they’re okay with the content. When they do, the image is unblurred and the content warning is hidding. Clicking on or activating the image again returns the blur and content warning.

This value is rendered as inline Markdown.

RendersMarkdown: true
Required: false
Type: String

style #

Specify the text wrapped in quotes, like "this".

Required: false
Type: String

work #

Specify the text wrapped in quotes, like "this".

Required: false
Type: String

Preset Styles #

You can use the preset styles feature to save different styles for your artwork as data. Any YAML files you add in the data/platen/art/styles folder are available for use. You can use folders to group styles together.

Style settings are applied across the various elements that the art markup adds: the figure, image, and caption. Additionally, styles can define values that are used when the artwork has a content warning.

Default Style #

All artwork inherits the default style, defined in data/platen/art/styles/_default.yaml. You can override the default values by adding this file to your own site.

Careful when Overriding the Default File

When you add the _default.yaml file to your site data, you completely replace the default that Platen provides. Make sure to do so carefully.

Most of the time, you’ll just want to define new styles instead.

Default Style
    - platen-art
  classes: []
  classes: []
      - platen-content-warning
      - platen-content-warning
    name_prefix: toggle
    id_prefix: content-warning
    classes: []

Figure Style Options #

These style options affect the <figure> element the art is added in.

The only available option is to specify a list of classes. If you specify any values for figure.classes, those classes are added to the list of classes specified in the default style. However, if a work preset specifies two or more styles, only the value from the last applied style is used.

When using the art markup or defining a work, any values in the class attribute or property are also added to this value.

Image Style Options #

These style options affect the <img> element the art is added in.

The only available option is to specify a list of classes. If you specify any values for image.classes, those classes are added to the list of classes specified in the default style. However, if a work preset specifies two or more styles, only the value from the last applied style is used.

Caption Style Options #

These style options affect the <figcaption> element the art is added in.

The only available option is to specify a list of classes. If you specify any values for caption.classes, those classes are added to the list of classes specified in the default style. However, if a work preset specifies two or more styles, only the value from the last applied style is used.

Content Warning Style Options #

These style options affect the elements only when the markup or work sets the content_warning attribute or property to a non-empty string. In that case, the input options are used and the other values are merged into the values for figure, image, and caption.

Style Definition

Consider the default style definition.

    - platen-art
  classes: []
  classes: []
      - platen-content-warning
      - platen-content-warning
    id_prefix: content-warning
    name_prefix: toggle
    classes: []
Without Content Warning

This is the effective style settings when art markup doesn’t include a content warning:

    - platen-art
  classes: []
  classes: []
With Content Warning

This is the effective style settings when art markup does include a content warning. Note that it now includes the input key and that figure.classes has the content warning class added to it.

    - platen-art
    - platen-content-warning
  classes: []
  classes: []
    - platen-content-warning
  id_prefix: content-warning
  name_prefix: toggle

Input Style Options #

These style options affect the <input> element added to the art’s figure when a content warning is specified.

If you specify any values for content_warning.input.classes, those classes are added to the list of classes specified in the default style. However, if a work preset specifies two or more styles, only the value from the last applied style is used.

The content_warning.input.id_prefix value is used to define a prefix for the id property of the input element. This helps ensure a more unique and visibly identifiable purpose for the element and keeps it from conflicting with other elements.

The content_warning.input.name_prefix value is used to define a prefix for the name property of the input element. It’s combined with the ID prefix to help ensure a more unique and visibly identifiable purpose for the element and is used to associate the input with its label.

Preset Works #

You can define any number of artworks reusably in your site’s data. Any YAML files you add in the data/platen/art/works folder are available for use. You can use folders to group works together.

The available properties you can specify for a work are listed below and match the available attributes. When used together with attributes, any value specified as an attribute overrides the value specified in the work’s definition.

Work Definition

Here we define a work for the Platen logo in data/platen/art/works/platen/logo.yaml:

alt: The Platen Logo
src: /images/logo.svg
id: from-work
Markdown Usage

Then, in our markdown, we use the art markup and reference the work:

![art:The Platen Logo, from work]()
  caption="An example of overriding a work."

Which is processed to the equivalent YAML internally:

alt: The Platen Logo, from work
id: work-override
caption: An example of overriding a work.
style: left_half
Merged Values

Now that we have both the values from the work and Markdown, Platen combines them into:

alt: The Platen Logo, from work
src: /images/logo.svg
id: work-override
caption: An example of overriding a work.
style: left_half

Because both the work and the markdown specify a value for alt, the value from Markdown is used. If it had been written as ![art:]() instead, the value from logo.yaml would’ve been used.

Only the work defines a value for the art’s source, so that value is used.

Both the work and the markdown specify a value for id, so the value from Markdown is used again, overriding the value from the work.

The remaining values for caption and style are only defined in the Markdown, so they’re added to the merged values.


When you use a work and attributes together, the values specified as an attribute always override any values from the work. If you specify a class as an attribute, only classes from the attribute are used, not the value of the class property in the work.

If you want to use extensible values, you probably want to define a preset style or add another work instead.

alt #

Specify that alt text for the artwork. The alt text is used to contextualize the art for readers using assistive technologies like screen readers. Don’t use any markup for this value. The text is added to an HTML attribute, not rendered from Markdown.

src #

Specify the source for the artwork. This value should be a URL or URL fragment pointing to where the Hugo can find the image. If you prefix this value with a leading forward slash (/), like /images/bear.png, Platen looks for the image in your static folder.

If you specify this value with a leading http:// or https://, Platen retrieves the image at build time and bundles it into your site. This enables you to use images stored elsewhere and have them available on your site as if they were local.

If you specify this value without a leading forward slash, http://, or https://, Platen looks for the image first in the assets bundle for your page, then the assets folder, and finally your content folder.

If Platen can’t find your image from the specified source, it raises an error.

id #

If you specify a value for this property, it’s used as the id of the figure, making it easier to link to the figure directly.

class #

Specify any additional classes to add to the figure containing the artwork. By default, the figure has the platen-art class. If you specify a value for content_warning, the figure also has the platen-content-warning class.

You can specify this value either as a string (if you only need to add one class) or as a list of strings.

Single Class
class: sepia
Multiple Classes
  - half
  - float-left

You can use these additional classes to further style your artwork on a page. In addition to any classes you define yourself, the following classes are available:

  • half - The figure’s width is limited to 50% of its container instead of 100%.
  • third - The figure’s width is limited to 33% of its container instead of 100%.
  • quarter - The figure’s width is limited to 25% of its container instead of 100%.

For more information about styling your artwork, see Styling.

caption #

Specify Markdown to use as the caption for the art’s figure.

content_warning #

Specify a content warning for this artwork, if needed. If you specify any value for this attribute, Platen loads the image blurred out with this value over it as a content warning.

Readers can click on the image or use their keyboard to select and activate the image to toggle the artwork’s visibility if they’re okay with the content. When they do, the image is unblurred and the content warning is hidding. Clicking on or activating the image again returns the blur and content warning.

style #

Specify any number of styles to use for this artwork. The styles are applied in the order they’re specified, with later styles overriding values from earlier ones.

You can specify a single style as a string or any number of styles as a list.

Single Style
style: left_half
Multiple Styles

In this example, because right_half is specified last, any of its values that conflict with those from left_half are used. Any values that are only defined in left_half or right_half are also used.

  - left_half
  - right_half

Styling #

By default, the art is added inside a [<figure>] element with the art itself in an [<img>] element. The figure takes up the full width of its container and the image’s height is dynamically chosen to keep the image’s original aspect ratio while filling that space.

The built-in helper classes, half, third, and quarter limit the width of the figure to 50%, 33%, and 25% of the available space respectively. When used in combination with the float-left or float-right utility classes, this enables you to use smaller images that your text flows around. For an example of this, see Floating Half-Width Example above.

You can inspect the current definition of the styles applied to artwork by inspecting the SCSS.

Content Warning Styling #

When you specify a content warning for the artwork, Platen:

  • adds the platen-content-warning class to the figure
  • inserts a checkbox <input> element and <label> for that input
  • applies a 30 pixel blur filter to the image
  • sets the visibility of the caption to hidden
  • layers the input and label over the image so they can be selected and activated to toggle the blur
  • stretches the label to fill the entire figure and centers the content warning at the top of the figure

You can override these behaviors by adding SCSS that uses the following selectors:

  • figure.platen-art.platen-content-warning - use this as the top-level selector to contain the rest of your styling to ensure you only affect figures added by this render hook. The rest of these selectors assume they’re used inside this one. For example:

    figure.platen-art.platen-content-warning {
      // all styling in here only applies to art added by this render hook
      // that has a content warning
  • img - use this to style the artwork itself. If you’re wanting to limit the height or width, it’s better to style the figure so the input and label for the content warning fit the image correctly.

  • figcaption - use this to style the caption.

  • input.platen-content-warning - use this to style the input. By default, its visibility is set to hidden because the label can be activated to toggle the blur and it takes up the entire figure.

  • input.platen-content-warning + label - use this to style the label. By default it has its position set to absolute and sets the top, bottom, left, and right properties to 0 to ensure it stretches to fill the entire figure. It uses the ::before pseudo-property to add the prefix Content Warning before the value of the content_warning attribute.

  • input[type="checkbox"]:checked + label - use this to style the label when the reader has toggled the content warning off. By default, the only style applied is to set the opacity of the label to 0, making it invisible.

  • input[type="checkbox"]:checked + label + img - use this to style the image when the reader has toggled the content warning off. By default, the only style applied is to unblur the image.

  • input[type="checkbox"]:checked + label + img + figcaption - use this to style the caption when the reader has toggled the content warning off. By default, the only style applied is to make the caption visible.

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