
The alert codeblock markup makes it possible for you to convert Markdown content into a box of text that stands out from the surrounding content. This makes it easier to call attention to some content.

When used, it inserts an <sl-alert> element from Shoelace to the page with your content inside it.

Syntax #

The alert codeblock supports setting options as either attributes or as YAML in a data block at the start of the codeblock. If you’re using the attribute syntax, the options must be specified on the same line that the codeblock opens on. If you’re using the data syntax, the options must be specified as valid YAML wrapped with three dashes (---) before the rest of the definition.

For more information, see Using Codeblocks in the User Guide.

With Attributes #

```alert { [.class [.class]] [#id] }
Markdown Content.

With Data #

class: class
closable: false
custom: false
duration: duration
header: header
icon: icon
id: id
open: true
use_default_icons: false
variant: (danger|default|primary|success|warning)

Markdown Content.

Examples #

1. Minimal Definition #

This example shows the default alert without any defined options or configuration settings.
Markdown Input
This is an alert! It stands out from the page.
HTML Output
<sl-alert variant="primary" class="platen-alert" open>
  <sl-icon slot="icon"
  <div class="markdown-inner">
    <p>This is an alert! It stands out from the page.</p>
Rendered Output

This is an alert! It stands out from the page.

2. Variants with Default Icons #

This example shows the available variants for alerts. Because [sref:use_default_icons] is set to true in the site’s configuration, these alerts also include the default icons.

For more information, see the use_default_icons option and Configuration.

Markdown Input
variant: default
This is an alert with the `default` variant.

variant: primary
This is an alert with the `primary` variant.

variant: success
This is an alert with the `success` variant.

variant: warning
This is an alert with the `warning` variant.

variant: danger
This is an alert with the `danger` variant.
HTML Output
<sl-alert variant="default" class="platen-alert" open>
  <sl-icon slot="icon"
  <div class="markdown-inner">
    <p>This is an alert with the <code>default</code> variant.</p>
<sl-alert variant="primary" class="platen-alert" open>
  <sl-icon slot="icon"
  <div class="markdown-inner">
    <p>This is an alert with the <code>primary</code> variant.</p>
<sl-alert variant="success" class="platen-alert" open>
  <sl-icon slot="icon"
  <div class="markdown-inner">
    <p>This is an alert with the <code>success</code> variant.</p>
<sl-alert variant="warning" class="platen-alert" open>
  <sl-icon slot="icon"
  <div class="markdown-inner">
    <p>This is an alert with the <code>warning</code> variant.</p>
<sl-alert variant="danger" class="platen-alert" open>
  <sl-icon slot="icon"
  <div class="markdown-inner">
    <p>This is an alert with the <code>danger</code> variant.</p>
Rendered Output

This is an alert with the default variant.

This is an alert with the primary variant.

This is an alert with the success variant.

This is an alert with the warning variant.

This is an alert with the danger variant.

3. Variants without Default Icons #

This example shows the available variants for alerts. Because use_default_icons is set to false, these alerts don’t have any icons.
Markdown Input
variant:           default
use_default_icons: false
This is an alert with the `default` variant.

variant:           primary
use_default_icons: false
This is an alert with the `primary` variant.

variant:           success
use_default_icons: false
This is an alert with the `success` variant.

variant:           warning
use_default_icons: false
This is an alert with the `warning` variant.

variant:           danger
use_default_icons: false
This is an alert with the `danger` variant.
HTML Output
<sl-alert variant="default" class="platen-alert" open><div class="markdown-inner">
    <p>This is an alert with the <code>default</code> variant.</p>
<sl-alert variant="primary" class="platen-alert" open><div class="markdown-inner">
    <p>This is an alert with the <code>primary</code> variant.</p>
<sl-alert variant="success" class="platen-alert" open><div class="markdown-inner">
    <p>This is an alert with the <code>success</code> variant.</p>
<sl-alert variant="warning" class="platen-alert" open><div class="markdown-inner">
    <p>This is an alert with the <code>warning</code> variant.</p>
<sl-alert variant="danger" class="platen-alert" open><div class="markdown-inner">
    <p>This is an alert with the <code>danger</code> variant.</p>
Rendered Output

This is an alert with the default variant.

This is an alert with the primary variant.

This is an alert with the success variant.

This is an alert with the warning variant.

This is an alert with the danger variant.

4. With Custom Icon and Header #

This example shows an alert with a custom icon defined by the icon option. It also includes a header before the body of the alert, defined with the header option.

The first example uses the shorthand syntax with the default icon library and only specifies the icons name. The second example uses the full shorthand syntax to specify the icon’s name, variant, and library. The last example uses the option syntax, explicitly setting the name, variant, and library as key-value pairs. For more information, see the icon option’s documentation.

Markdown Input
icon: cone-striped
header: "**Under Construction!**"
This section isn't fully finished. If you find any issues, let us know!

icon: traffic-cone&solid@boxicons
header: "**Under Construction!**"
This section isn't fully finished. If you find any issues, let us know!

This alert uses the full shorthand syntax for the icon.

  name:    traffic-cone
  library: boxicons
  variant: solid
header: "**Under Construction!**"
This section isn't fully finished. If you find any issues, let us know!

This alert uses the options syntax for the icon.
HTML Output
<sl-alert variant="primary" class="platen-alert" open>
  <sl-icon slot="icon"
  <div class="markdown-inner">
    <span class="platen-alert-header"><strong>Under Construction!</strong></span>
    <p>This section isn&rsquo;t fully finished. If you find any issues, let us know!</p>
<sl-alert variant="primary" class="platen-alert" open>
  <sl-icon slot="icon"
  <div class="markdown-inner">
    <span class="platen-alert-header"><strong>Under Construction!</strong></span>
    <p>This section isn&rsquo;t fully finished. If you find any issues, let us know!</p>
    <p>This alert uses the full shorthand syntax for the icon.</p>
<sl-alert variant="primary" class="platen-alert" open>
  <sl-icon slot="icon"
  <div class="markdown-inner">
    <span class="platen-alert-header"><strong>Under Construction!</strong></span>
    <p>This section isn&rsquo;t fully finished. If you find any issues, let us know!</p>
    <p>This alert uses the options syntax for the icon.</p>
Rendered Output
Under Construction!

This section isn’t fully finished. If you find any issues, let us know!

Under Construction!

This section isn’t fully finished. If you find any issues, let us know!

This alert uses the full shorthand syntax for the icon.

Under Construction!

This section isn’t fully finished. If you find any issues, let us know!

This alert uses the options syntax for the icon.

Attributes #

You can add attributes to your codeblocks by adding a pair of curly braces ({ ... }) after the language id for the codeblock. The attributes declaration must open and close on the same line the codeblock opens on.

For example, this is a valid declaration of a codeblock with attributes:

```language { #element-id .first-class .second-class }
Inner content for the codeblock.

While you can pass any of the options for this markup as attributes, we strongly recommend using the data options syntax instead. It’s more readable, maintainable, and has more flexibility.

class #

Specify a string for classes to add to the class attribute of the rendered <sl-alert> element. By default, it only has the platen-alert class.

If your markup doesn’t specify class with this attribute, the data option, or the preset property, it inherits the value from platen.markup.alerts.classes in your site configuration. For more information, see Configuration.

For more information about styling your alerts, see Styling.

Specify the text wrapped in quotes, like "this".

Required: false
Type: String

id #

Specify a string for the id attribute of the rendered <sl-alert> element. By default, it has no id.

Specify the ID as a bare string without any spaces and with a # prefix, like #my-id

Required: false
Type: String

Data Options #

You can specify options for your codeblocks by adding a data block to the beginning of your codeblock before the definition. The data block must start on the line after codeblock opens with three dashes and end after your options with another three dashes.

For example, this is a codeblock with a valid data block for options:

class: first-class second-class
id:    element-id
Inner content for the codeblock.

class #

Specify a string for classes to add to the class attribute of the rendered <sl-alert> element. By default, it only has the platen-alert class. For more information about styling your alerts, see Styling.

If your markup doesn’t specify class with this data option, the attribute, or the preset property, it inherits the value from platen.markup.alerts.classes in your site configuration. For more information, see Configuration.

Specify the text wrapped in quotes, like "this".

Required: false
Type: String

closable #

Specify whether the alert should be closable. When this option is set to true, the alert is rendered with a clickable button that closes the alert, hiding it. You can make the alert visible again with scripting or by refreshing the page.

The default value is false.

Specify true or false without wrapping quotes.

Required: false
Type: Boolean

custom #

Specify whether the alert should be rendered with a custom template instead of the default one. The default value is false.

If you set this value to true, Platen renders the alert with the platen/markup/alerts/templates/custom template partial. If you set this value to a string, Platen renders the alert with the platen/markup/alerts/templates/<value> template partial.

If your markup doesn’t specify custom with this data option or the preset property, it inherits the value from platen.markup.alerts.custom in your site configuration. For more information, see Configuration.

For more information about authoring a custom template, see Custom Templates.

Specify true or false without wrapping quotes.

Required: false
Type: Boolean

duration #

Specify whether the alert should automatically close after the specified duration elapses. By default, alerts don’t close automatically. If you specify this value as an integer greater than 0, the alert automatically closes that many seconds after the page loads. You can specify an optional suffix for the value to indicate the time units:

  • s for seconds
  • ms for milliseconds

This option is intended to make composing new components easier, or for adding alerts that only display dynamically, like when a user clicks a button on the page.

Specify the text wrapped in quotes, like "this".

Required: false
Type: String

header #

Specify a header for the alert as inline Markdown. When you do, the header is displayed before the rendered content for the alert. Platen renders the header’s inline Markdown and inserts it into an <span> element that has the platen-alert-header class. For more information about styling the header, see Styling.

This value is rendered as inline Markdown.

RendersMarkdown: true
Required: false
Type: String

icon #

Specify an icon to add to the start of the rendered <sl-alert> in an <sl-icon> element. You can specify the icon either as a string using the shorthand syntax or as a map of options for the icon.

If your markup doesn’t specify a value for icon with this data option or the preset property, it uses the icon defined for the alert’s variant in the platen.markup.alerts.icons setting in your site configuration if the value of use_default_icons is true. For more information, see the use_default_icons option and Configuration.

Specify the text wrapped in quotes, like "this".

Required: false
Type: String

Shorthand Syntax #

The shorthand syntax for icons in Platen is <name>[&<variant>][@<library>], where:

  • <name> is mandatory and represents the name of the icon.
  • &<variant> is optional and represents the variant of the icon. Not all icons and libraries support variants. When you specify a variant in this syntax, you must specify it after the icon’s name. You must separate the variant from the icon name with an ampersand (&). When you don’t specify a variant, Platen uses the library’s default variant.
  • &<library> is optional and represents the library the icon belongs to. When you specify a library in this syntax, you must specify it after the icon’s name and variant. You must separate the library from the icon name or variant with an at sign (@). When you don’t specify a library, Platen uses the configured default library.

You can always use any valid icon in Shoelace’s default icon library.

Options Syntax #

The options syntax for icons is:

name:    icon_name    # Mandatory
library: icon_library # Optional
variant: icon_variant # Optional

You can also pass any valid global HTML attribute in the options map for the icon, like class or style. Those attributes are passed through to the icon element.

id #

Specify a string for the id attribute of the rendered <sl-alert> element. By default, it has no id.

Specify the text wrapped in quotes, like "this".

Required: false
Type: String

open #

Specify whether the alert should be visible when the page loads. The default value is true. Set this option to false to hide the alert when the page loads.

This option is intended to make composing new components easier, or for adding alerts that only display dynamically, like when a user clicks a button on the page.

Specify true or false without wrapping quotes.

Required: false
Type: Boolean

use_default_icons #

Specify whether the alert should use the default icon defined for the alert’s variant in the site’s platen.markup.alerts.icons configuration setting.

If use_default_icons isn’t specified as an option or preset property, Platen uses the value of the site’s platen.markup.alerts.use_default_icons setting, which defaults to true.

If the markup specifies the icon option or preset property, that icon is used instead, even when this option is set to true.

For more information about the default icons, see Configuration.

Specify true or false without wrapping quotes.

Required: false
Type: Boolean

variant #

Specify how the alert should be themed when rendered. The default value is inherited from the platen.markup.alerts.variant setting in your site configuration, which defaults to primary.

The valid variants are:

  • danger
  • default
  • primary
  • success
  • warning

If the use_default_icons option, preset property, or configuration setting is set to true, the variant also determines which icon is added to the alert. For more information, see the use_default_icons option.

For more information on variant colors, see Styling.

Definition #

Specify the text you want to include in the body of the rendered alert. You can include any valid Markdown, including other codeblocks. To use nested codeblocks, you must have more backticks (`) in the fence for the alert codeblock than any of the nested codeblocks.

For example, this alert’s content is split into columns:

variant: primary
header: Alert with Nested Codeblocks

````columns { #alert-columns }
This is the first column in the rendered alert.

This is the second column in the rendered alert.

It renders to:

Alert with Nested Codeblocks

This is the first column in the rendered alert.

This is the second column in the rendered alert.

Presets #

You can define any number of preset alerts in your site’s data. Any YAML files you add in the data/platen/alerts folder are available for use. You can use folders to group presets together.

The available properties you can specify for a preset are listed below and match the available attributes and inputs. When used together with your markup, any value specified as directly in your markup overrides the value specified in the preset’s definition.

class #

Specify a string for classes to add to the class attribute of the rendered <sl-alert> element. By default, it only has the platen-alert class. For more information about styling your alerts, see Styling.

If your markup doesn’t specify class with this preset property, the attribute, or the data option, it inherits the value from platen.markup.alerts.classes in your site configuration. For more information, see Configuration.

closable #

Specify whether the alert should be closable. When this option is set to true, the alert is rendered with a clickable button that closes the alert, hiding it. You can make the alert visible again with scripting or by refreshing the page.

The default value is false.

custom #

Specify whether the alert should be rendered with a custom template instead of the default one. The default value is false.

If you set this value to true, Platen renders the alert with the platen/markup/alerts/templates/custom template partial. If you set this value to a string, Platen renders the alert with the platen/markup/alerts/templates/<value> template partial.

If your markup doesn’t specify custom with this preset property or the data option, it inherits the value from platen.markup.alerts.custom in your site configuration. For more information, see Configuration.

For more information about authoring a custom template, see Custom Templates.

definition #

Specify the text you want to include in the body of the rendered alert. You can include any valid Markdown, including other codeblocks. To use nested codeblocks, you must have more backticks (`) in the fence for the alert codeblock than any of the nested codeblocks.

Example Preset with Definition #

This preset defines both variant and definition:

# Defined in `data/platen/alerts/docs/examples/definition-preset.yaml
variant: primary
definition: |
  This is an `alert` preset definition.

  It includes any normal Markdown you might want to use.

  ![button:See all Markup](/modules/platen/markup)

  It can even include codeblocks, like this YAML block:

  variant: primary

Note that the definition includes normal Markdown. Also note the usage of the | character after the definition key declaration, and that the lines after are indented two spaces. That syntax indicates that the block of text should be treated as a single string, keeping the newlines. When you’re defining a definition in a preset, you should use that syntax.

It’s declared in the Markdown as:

preset: docs.example.definition-preset

The preset renders to this:

This is an alert preset definition.

It includes any normal Markdown you might want to use.

See all Markup

It can even include codeblocks, like this YAML block:

variant: primary

If you specify the alert in the markdown with a definition, the preset’s definiton key is overridden:

preset: docs.example.definition-preset

This Markdown _overrides_ the preset `definition` value.

As you can see here:

This Markdown overrides the preset definition value.

duration #

Specify whether the alert should automatically close after the specified duration elapses. By default, alerts don’t close automatically. If you specify this value as an integer greater than 0, the alert automatically closes that many seconds after the page loads. You can specify an optional suffix for the value to indicate the time units:

  • s for seconds
  • ms for milliseconds

This property is intended to make composing new components easier, or for adding alerts that only display dynamically, like when a user clicks a button on the page.

header #

Specify a header for the alert as inline Markdown. When you do, the header is displayed before the rendered content for the alert. Platen renders the header’s inline Markdown and inserts it into an <span> element that has the platen-alert-header class. For more information about styling the header, see Styling.

icon #

Specify an icon to add to the start of the rendered <sl-alert> in an <sl-icon> element. You can specify the icon either as a string using the shorthand syntax or as a map of options for the icon.

If your markup doesn’t specify a value for icon with this preset property or the data option, it uses the icon defined for the alert’s variant in the platen.markup.alerts.icons setting in your site configuration if the value of use_default_icons is true. For more information, see the use_default_icons option and Configuration.

Shorthand Syntax #

The shorthand syntax for icons in Platen is <name>[&<variant>][@<library>], where:

  • <name> is mandatory and represents the name of the icon.
  • &<variant> is optional and represents the variant of the icon. Not all icons and libraries support variants. When you specify a variant in this syntax, you must specify it after the icon’s name. You must separate the variant from the icon name with an ampersand (&). When you don’t specify a variant, Platen uses the library’s default variant.
  • &<library> is optional and represents the library the icon belongs to. When you specify a library in this syntax, you must specify it after the icon’s name and variant. You must separate the library from the icon name or variant with an at sign (@). When you don’t specify a library, Platen uses the configured default library.

You can always use any valid icon in Shoelace’s default icon library.

Options Syntax #

The options syntax for icons is:

name:    icon_name    # Mandatory
library: icon_library # Optional
variant: icon_variant # Optional

You can also pass any valid global HTML attribute in the options map for the icon, like class or style. Those attributes are passed through to the icon element.

id #

Specify a string for the id attribute of the rendered <sl-alert> element. By default, it has no id.


When you define an id in a preset, you need to make sure you don’t use that preset more than once on a page without overriding the property in the markup.

Otherwise, you’ll add two elements with the same ID, which is invalid HTML and may cause accessibility issues too.

open #

Specify whether the alert should be visible when the page loads. The default value is true. Set this property to false to hide the alert when the page loads.

This property is intended to make composing new components easier, or for adding alerts that only display dynamically, like when a user clicks a button on the page.

use_default_icons #

Specify whether the alert should use the default icon defined for the alert’s variant in the site’s platen.markup.alerts.icons configuration setting.

If use_default_icons isn’t specified as an option or preset property, Platen uses the value of the site’s platen.markup.alerts.use_default_icons setting, which defaults to true.

If the markup specifies the icon option or preset property, that icon is used instead, even when this option is set to true.

For more information about the default icons, see Configuration.

variant #

Specify how the alert should be themed when rendered. The default value is inherited from the platen.markup.alerts.variant setting in your site configuration, which defaults to primary.

The valid variants are:

  • danger
  • default
  • primary
  • success
  • warning

If the use_default_icons option, preset property, or configuration setting is set to true, the variant also determines which icon is added to the alert. For more information, see the use_default_icons preset property.

For more information on variant colors, see Styling.

Custom Templates #

If you want to use your own custom rendering for a tabs group without having to handle the markup parsing, attributes, and options yourself, you can use the custom option or configuration setting to use your own templates for rendering the details block.

Platen provides a stubbed custom template by default that includes the available parameters you can use for rendering. The stubbed template raises an error and returns an empty string.

Stubbed Custom Template #

    This custom template is a stub. It's here for your convenience only. If
    you want to define your own template, copy this one to start from. The
    inputs for your template are limited to the ones defined here, but your
    template can do whatever you need it to.
{{- $Params  := . -}}
    These values are passed to the custom template by Platen when canonicalizing
    the markup. They include:

        The list of attributes that Platen would've passed to the sl-alert
        element. You can parse this or reuse it.
        The pre-rendered content from the markup's definition.
        The canonicalized list of classes for the alert. It includes the
        default class "platen-alert" as well as any classes specified in the
        markup. It's passed here as a space-separated list.
        The hugo Page variable for the Markdown page the alert markup was found
        in. You can use this to render content.
        The path to the file the alert markup was found in, as well as the line
        and column number where the codeblock started. Useful for error and
        warning messages.
        The configuration settings for platen.markup.tabs, merging them from
        both the Hugo configuration file(s) and the _params data folder.
        The canonicalized options for the markup. Platen has already merged
        the settings from the markup's attributes and YAML options and the
        preset, if specified. If the same options were set in multiple places,
        the preset values are overridden by attributes and attributes by the
        yaml options.

    Always pass the values meant to be insertable directly in the HTML through
    safeHTML, safeHTMLAttr (for attributes), safeCSS, safeJS, or safeURL so
    your values aren't munged unexpectedly.
{{- $Attributes := $Params.Attributes | safeHTMLAttr -}}
{{- $Content    := $Params.Content    | safeHTML     -}}
{{- $Classes    := $Params.Classes    | safeHTMLAttr -}}
{{- $Page       := $Params.Page                      -}}
{{- $Position   := $Params.Position                  -}}
{{- $Config     := $Params.Config                    -}}
{{- $Options    := $Params.Options                   -}}

    The default custom template raises an error because it's not
    actually implemented. This stub is for your convenience.
{{- errorf "Used custom alert template at %s, but it's not implemented." $Position -}}

    You don't need to do a return statement, you can just use
    a custom HTML template if you want. This return is included
    so Platen doesn't break if the custom template isn't defined.
{{- return "" -}}

Custom Template Variables #

Each of the variables contains useful values when defining your own template.

The list of attributes that Platen would’ve passed to the <sl-alert> element. You can parse this or reuse it.
The pre-rendered content from the markup’s definition.
The canonicalized list of classes for the alert. It includes the default class platen-alert as well as any classes specified in the markup. It’s passed here as a space-separated list.
The Hugo Page object for the content page the markup was used on.
The Position information for where the alert codeblock was used. This is especially useful for writing error and warning messages, as it includes the name of the Markdown file and the line number and column where the markup was used.
The merged values for platen.markup.alerts from the site configuration and Platen’s handler for defining the configuration in the data/_params folder for your site.
The canonicalized options for the markup. Platen has already merged the settings from the markup’s attributes, data options, and the preset, if specified. If the same options were set in multiple places, the preset values are overridden by attributes and attributes by the YAML options.

Defining a Custom Template #

You can copy the stubbed implementation into the layouts/partials/platen/markup/alerts/templates folder in your own site. Then you can edit the template to render the details like any other template in Hugo.

You don’t need to use a return statement. You can just emit the HTML as normal and Platen will handle the rest.

Configuration #

Several of the options for this markup can be configured in your site configuration or Platen’s parameter data. The most convenient option is to edit the data/_params/platen/markup.yaml file. Except for the warn_on_legacy setting, which is site-wide, every configuration setting can by overridden by the attributes or options in your markup.

The default values for this markup’s rendering options are defined below:

  custom: false
  preset: null
  classes: []
  variant: primary
    danger:  exclamation-octagon
    default: gear
    primary: info-circle
    success: check2-circle
    warning: exclamation-triangle
  use_default_icons: true
Defines whether Platen should use a custom template for rendering alerts instead of the default template. For more information, see Custom Templates.
Defines which preset Platen should apply to alerts by default. For more information, see Presets.
Defines a list of classes to add to alerts by default.
Defines which variant alerts should be rendered as by default. This sets the color of the alert and, if use_default_icons is true, which icon the alert should have.
Defines the default icons for each variant that are added to alerts when use_default_icons is set to true.
Defines whether alerts should use the configured icons for their variant by default.

You can find the full set of options for this markup in the configuration reference.

Styling #

This markup uses the SCSS defined in the styles/markup/_tabs.scss file in your assets folder, which defaults to assets in your project root.

Alerts SCSS #

.markdown sl-alert.platen-alert {
  // Ensure adjacent alerts have space between them.
  & + sl-alert.platen-alert {
    margin-top: $padding-large;

The SCSS for tabs only applies to <sl-alert> elements in a container that has the markdown class, and only when the element itself has the platen-alert class. This keeps the style from being unintentionally applied anywhere else.

The style:

  • Adds a small margin above alerts that are immediately below another alert, so there’s a visible gap between them.

Extending the Styling #

You can extend this style by adding SCSS into the styles/_custom.scss file in your assets folder or by copying the provided style into styles/markup/_alerts.scss and editing it.

When you do, make sure your styles use this selector as the base. All of your styles should be contained in this selector or one of its children.

.markdown sl-alert.platen-alert {
  // Your styles here

The rest of this section is a list of selectors you might find useful when styling the rendered alerts.

This selector targets the base wrapper for the rendered alert.
This selector targets the container that wraps the rendered icon.
> [slot="icon"]
This selector targets the <sl-icon> element that renders the icon itself for the alert.
This selector targets the close button, which is an [sref:<sl-icon-button>].
This selector targets the close button’s exported base part, which is the wrapper for the button.
This selector targets the container that wraps the alert’s main content.
&::part(message) > div.markdown-inner
This selector targets the container that wraps the header and Markdown definition for the alert. The markdown-inner class removes the margin above the rendered header and after the last element in the definition.
&::part(message) > div.markdown-inner > span.platen-alert-header
This selector targets the rendered header specifically.

Overriding the Styling #

You can completely override the provided style by defining the styles/markup/_alerts.scss file in your assets folder.

You can also create a new style module in the styles/markup folder and set in your site configuration to that module’s name. If you do, omit the leading _ and trailing .scss. For example, the name for the style module assets/styles/markup/_foo.scss is foo.

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