KaTeX Rendering

KaTeX Markup (katex)

Defines the map of settings for the Platen’s KaTeX markup option. The existing value is a map that includes whether or not to enable the markup rendering, whether to always load the libraries on every page, and which version of KaTeX to use.

When this markup is enabled, you can use KaTeX markup in your content with an image link (that has the chem:, katex:, or math: prefix), codeblock (whose language ID is chem, katex, and math), and even with KaTeX’s own open/closing tags in normal Markdown content if always_load is set to true.

With KaTeX, you can write mathematical and chemical formulae in plaintext and render them as beautiful formula on your site.

You can override some of these settings at a content-level.

You can add new keys or replace the values for existing ones. You don’t need to keep the full list of all properties in your own configuration file. Only specify the values you want to add or replace.

JSON Schema

  "$id": "https://platen.io/modules/platen/config/site/markup/katex/schema.json",
  "$schema": "https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema",
  "description": "Defines the settings for the KaTeX markup option\n\nhttps://platen.io/modules/platen/config/site/markup/katex/",
  "examples": [
      "always_load": true,
      "enabled": true,
      "version": "0.16.0"
  "properties": {
    "aliases": {
      "description": "Defines additional language IDs for the codeblock render hook.\n\nhttps://platen.io/modules/platen/config/site/markup/katex/#aliases",
      "oneOf": [
          "items": {
            "oneOf": [
                "description": "A map defining either/both an alias for the math and chemistry codeblock language ID and image link alt text prefix.\n\nhttps://platen.io/modules/platen/config/site/markup/katex/",
                "properties": {
                  "chemistry": {
                    "description": "Alias for the chemistry-rendering codeblock language ID and image link prefix, (default is 'chem').\n\nhttps://platen.io/modules/platen/config/site/markup/katex/#chemistry",
                    "title": "Chemistry Alias",
                    "type": "string"
                  "math": {
                    "description": "Alias for the math-rendering codeblock language ID and image link prefix, (defaults are 'katex' and `math`).\n\nhttps://platen.io/modules/platen/config/site/markup/katex/#math",
                    "title": "Math Alias",
                    "type": "string"
                "type": "object"
                "type": "string"
          "type": "array"
          "description": "A map defining either/both an alias for the math and chemistry codeblock language ID and image link alt text prefix.\n\nhttps://platen.io/modules/platen/config/site/markup/katex/",
          "properties": {
            "chemistry": {
              "description": "Alias for the chemistry-rendering codeblock language ID and image link prefix, (default is 'chem').\n\nhttps://platen.io/modules/platen/config/site/markup/katex/#chemistry",
              "title": "Chemistry Alias",
              "type": "string"
            "math": {
              "description": "Alias for the math-rendering codeblock language ID and image link prefix, (defaults are 'katex' and `math`).\n\nhttps://platen.io/modules/platen/config/site/markup/katex/#math",
              "title": "Math Alias",
              "type": "string"
          "type": "object"
          "type": "string"
      "title": "Aliases"
    "always_load": {
      "default": false,
      "description": "Choose whether the KaTeX style and libraries are always added to pages.\n\nhttps://platen.io/modules/platen/config/site/markup/katex/#always_load",
      "title": "Always Load KaTeX",
      "type": "boolean"
    "enabled": {
      "default": true,
      "description": "Choose whether KaTeX rendering is available for the site.\n\nhttps://platen.io/modules/platen/config/site/markup/katex/#enabled",
      "title": "Enable KaTeX",
      "type": "boolean"
    "partials": {
      "description": "Define a map of partials for Platen to inject as needed.\n\nhttps://platen.io/modules/platen/config/site/markup/katex/#partials",
      "properties": {
        "header": {
          "default": "platen/markup/katex/header",
          "description": "Injects a partial into the HTML header.\n\nhttps://platen.io/modules/platen/config/site/markup/katex/#header",
          "title": "Header Partial",
          "type": "string"
        "renderers": {
          "description": "Registers one or more partials that act as render hooks.\n\nhttps://platen.io/modules/platen/config/site/markup/katex/#renderers",
          "properties": {
            "codeblock": {
              "default": "platen/markup/katex/codeblock",
              "description": "Adds a partial to call when processing the codeblock render hook.\n\nhttps://platen.io/modules/platen/config/site/markup/katex/#codeblock",
              "title": "Codeblock Render Hook Partial",
              "type": "string"
            "image": {
              "default": "platen/markup/katex/image",
              "description": "Adds a partial to call when processing the image link render hook.\n\nhttps://platen.io/modules/platen/config/site/markup/katex/#image",
              "title": "Image Render Hook Partial",
              "type": "string"
          "title": "Renderer Partials",
          "type": "object"
      "title": "Markup Partials",
      "type": "object"
    "version": {
      "default": "0.16.4",
      "description": "Specify the version of KaTeX to load when needed.\n\nhttps://platen.io/modules/platen/config/site/markup/katex/#version",
      "title": "KaTeX Version",
      "type": "string"
  "title": "KaTeX Markup",
  "type": "object"

<h2 id="katex.examples">Examples</h2>

<h3 id="katex.examples.example-1">Example 1</h3>

   &#34;always_load&#34;: true,
   &#34;enabled&#34;: true,
   &#34;version&#34;: &#34;0.16.0&#34;

Enable KaTeX (enabled)

Choose whether the site renders KaTeX. The default is true.

KaTeX Version (version)

Specify the version of KaTeX to load when needed. Platen retrieves the style and script modules for KaTeX from a CDN at build time. This value is used to determine which version to bundle with the site and use for auto-rendering.

You can set this value to any valid released version of KaTeX, but if you override the default there may be incompatibilities with the available fonts. In that case, you’ll need to also download the fonts for that version and add them to the static/katex folder, replacing the existing fonts.

Due to the fragility of the KaTeX auto-rendering library and fonts, this setting can only be defined at the site level at this time.

Always Load KaTeX (always_load)

Choose whether the KaTeX style and library modules are always added to site pages. By default, the modules and style code are only added to pages where KaTeX markup is used with the codeblock render hook, the image render hook, or where the page’s front matter has platen.markup.katex.always_load set to true.

When this setting is set to true, the modules are added to every page and will always be called to auto-render any valid KaTeX found on the page. This is useful for sites that make heavy use of inline KaTeX without the image link markup.

The default value is false.

Aliases (aliases)

Define one or more aliases to use in addition to the default language IDs for codeblocks and alt text prefixes for image links that render KaTeX markup.

The default language IDs for codeblocks are katex and math for math markup and chem for chemistry markup. The default prefixes for image links are katex: and math: for math markup and chem: for chemistry markup.

You can specify a string, a map, or an array of strings or maps for this value. If the value is an array, each item in the array is added as an alias. Do not add a : suffix to any value.

String values are added as valid language IDs/prefixes for the non-chemistry codeblocks in addition to katex and math.

Map values must have either the Math or Chemistry key with a string value. If you define a value for Math, it becomes a valid language ID and prefix for math markup codeblocks and image links respectively. If you define a value for Chemistry, it becomes a valid language ID and prefix for chemistry markup codeblocks and image links respectively, which add the chemistry libraries even if you don’t use a chemistry syntax. You can specify both in a single map but don’t have to.

Markup Partials (partials)

Define a map of partials for Platen to inject as needed. These partials are only injected when enabled is set to true.

Header Partial (header)

If specified, this partial is processed in the HTML header with the current page’s context. The default value is platen/markup/katex/header. You can overwrite this value, replacing it with another partial entirely, or you can add the same file to your own theme or site, effectively replacing it.

The default partial pulls the KaTeX style and library modules from a CDN if any of the following conditions are met:

  1. The page content includes any image links with the chem:, katex:, or math: prefix.
  2. The page content includes any codeblocks with chem, katex, or math as the language ID.
  3. The page front matter has platen.markup.katex.always_load set to true
  4. The site is configured with always_load enabled.

With the modules loaded, the page will automatically render any valid KaTeX on the page, displaying the formulae.

Renderer Partials (renderers)

Defines a map of partials to use as Markdown render hooks. Like all partials, these are only processed when enabled is set to true.

Supported renderer partials include:

  • Codeblock, processed for fenced code blocks with a language ID
  • Heading, processed for headings
  • Image, processed for image links
  • Link, processed for non-image links

In all cases, all renderer partials for enabled features and markup options are checked one after the other unless they return a render string. Only the first applicable partial that returns a render string is processed and rendered.

Image Render Hook Partial (image)

Adds support for KaTeX and mhchem markup rendering for content. This render hook is only processed when the alt text for an image link has the chem:, katex:, or math: prefix.

It registers the current page as having KaTeX, which ensures the library and style modules are loaded for automatic rendering. If the codeblock uses the \ce{...} tag or has the chem: prefix, it registers the current page as having chemistry markup and ensures the mhchem KaTeX plugin is loaded as well.

It renders the alt text (with the prefix trimmed away) as a span element, denoting it as inline-mode KaTeX.

This value defaults to platen/markup/katex/image. You can replace it with a different value, defining a new partial, or override the existing partial by creating the file layouts/partials/platen/markup/katex/image.html in your own site or module.

For more information about defining image link render hook partials, see Defining an Image Link Render Hook Partial in the Theme Guide.

Codeblock Render Hook Partial (codeblock)

Adds support for KaTeX and mhchem markup rendering for content. This render hook is only processed when the language ID for a codeblock is chem, katex, or math.

It registers the current page as having KaTeX, which ensures the library and style modules are loaded for automatic rendering. If the codeblock uses the \ce{...} tag or has the chem language code, it registers the current page as having chemistry markup and ensures the mhchem KaTeX plugin is loaded as well.

It renders the definition inside the codeblock inside a span element, denoting it as display-mode KaTeX by default. With the class attribute, it adds the specified classes to the element. With the display attribute, an author can explicitly control whether the span is rendered in display mode. Setting display to false renders the markup in inline mode.

This value defaults to platen/markup/katex/codeblock. You can replace it with a different value, defining a new partial, or override the existing partial by creating the file layouts/partials/platen/markup/katex/codeblock.html in your own site or module.

For more information about defining codeblock render hook partials, see Defining a Codeblock Render Hook Partial in the Theme Guide.

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