KaTeX Rendering

KaTeX Options (katex)

Defines optional settings for overriding site configuration for the KaTeX markup option, which enables you to use KaTeX markup in your content with an image link (that has the chem:, katex:, or math: prefix), codeblock (whose language ID is chem, katex, and math), and even with KaTeX’s own open/closing tags in normal Markdown content if always_load is set to true.

With KaTeX, you can write mathematical and chemical formulae in plaintext and render them as beautiful formula on your site.

JSON Schema

  "$id": "https://platen.io/modules/platen/config/content/markup/katex/schema.json",
  "$schema": "https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema",
  "description": "Optional settings for overriding KaTeX configuration on a content page.\n\nhttps://platen.io/modules/platen/config/content/markup/katex/",
  "properties": {
    "always_load": {
      "default": false,
      "description": "Always load KaTeX for auto-rendering for this content.\n\nhttps://platen.io/modules/platen/config/content/markup/katex/#always_load",
      "title": "Always Load KaTeX",
      "type": "boolean"
  "title": "KaTeX Options",
  "type": "object"

Always Load KaTeX (always_load)

Specifies whether this content should always load the KaTeX style and script modules and auto-render any valid KaTeX markup. By default, the modules and style code are only added to pages where KaTeX markup is used with the codeblock render hook, image render hook, or when the site has platen.markup.katex.always_load set to true.

When this setting is set to true, the modules are added to this content and will always be called to auto-render any valid KaTeX found in the content. This is useful when you want to use inline KaTeX without the shortcode.

This setting overrides the site’s always_load setting for this content only. The default value is false.

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